Prostitution has been a problem in Thailand for a long time, but nobody can solve this problem in the right way and seriously. For this reason, prostitution becomes a chronic problem in Thailand. Even prostitution is not illegal, many people still run this action secretly. Some people choose to be a prostitute by themselves, while some people are tempted by other. Normally, people who choose to be a prostitute by themselves is poor and low education. This girls they look prostitute as a job which make a lot of money and easy, no special skills are required. Nowadays, willingly prostitutes are increasing number rapidly because of high money and easy, want to stay convenient, or have a family problem. At the same time, many people become prostitutes because they have no choice. Some inescapably prostitutes meet a huge problem such as; have lots of duty, need to take care their family. In some case, many girls see another girl get a high salary from this job and it make them can buy a thing that they want, support their family or have a good and life. According to this reason, a lot of woman joins this illegal job to make their life better. In severe cases, some families sell their daughter to be a prostitutes for maintenance family.