Ensuring Data and Information Quality
Data can be identified as high quality only when they conform to a recognized standard.
There is no universally recognized set of health care data quality standard in existence today.
One reason is that the quality of the data needed in any situation is driven by the use to which the data or the information that comes from the data will be put.
There are two organizations have published guidance data quality standard:
x MRI (Medical Records Institute) ; and
x AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association).
MRI Principles of Health Care Documentation
Key principles that should be adhered to health care information systems (and their accompanying policies) are established:
x Unique patient identification must be assured within and across healthcare documentation systems.
x Healthcare documentation must be
Accurate and consistent.
Interoperable across type of documentation systems.
Accessible at any time and at any place where patient care is needed.
x Confidential and secure authentication and accountability must be provided [MRI, 2004, p.3].