This study has several limitations.The target population of the study is disadvantaged children in Los Angeles County; still we have made inferences to all public schools’ students in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles County, the average and median percentages of public schools’ students receiving reduced or free meals programs are 62% and 71%, respectively, and the average and median percentages of public schools’ White students are 16% and 6%, respectively, which could justify profiling students in public schools in Los Angeles County as disadvantaged. Despite assurances of confidentially, parents might have been biased or might not have had accurate recall in their responses to the questionnaire, which would result in lower estimations of recent toothaches or unmet dental needs. Some parents did not consent to the release of the academic records of their children. It is possible that the unreleased records belong to students with low academic standing, which might have resulted in an underestimation of the correlations between poor oral health and poor academic achievement.