Fig. 2. A) Untreated lesion on day 20 post-injury.Re-epithelializtion is well developed but cornification has not yet taken place. The number of blood vessels is fewer than those of the treated lesions on day 20 post-injury and in comparison to those of the untreated lesions on day 10 post-injury.Many mononuclear inflammatory cells have
infiltrated between the collagen fibers of the dermis(H&E; ×180). B) Treated lesion on day 20 post-injury.Re-epithelializtion and cornification is well developed. Compared to those of day 10 post-injury the number of blood vessels is reduced (arrows).Fewer macrophages and lymphocytes are seen in this section, compared to those of the untreated lesions tissue alignment is improved (H&E; ×180).C) Treated lesion on day 20 post-injury. Compared to those of the untreated lesions a lower number of lymphocytes and macrophages have infiltrated the dermis. Collagen fibers are organizing and the tissue is aligned (H&E; ×180).