You know i like you so much
But i know what i am
My target isn't only flirting
I looking for love
I had told you before
I'm pretty serious about it
I never flirting before i'm not player
But your desire is flirting
I did it to you already :)
Although i know i'm not well
But now i don't want to play game
I agree with you
Online Love is dedicated to make me feel completely hurt
You told me many time you like me
But i'm not really feel you are
I feel you are not happy to flirt with me sometime
Maybe you naugthy with other girl is better
Actually i'm pretty disclose
I showed anything what i did
But seem like you are annoyed
Exactly you have no time
At least.... for me
I want talking sometime
But sometime i wanted you
You were not free
Do you feel me?