Whatever model is used as the basis for calculations operates the rate of growth of the GDP in both the absolute and per capita expression. To make international comparisons simpler, the GDP at purchasing power parity was selected as the main parameter. This method enables a researcher to analyze the target conditions and disregards fluctuations within a specific period of time. One important feature are the instruments that take account of general global trends that are linked to global economic growth regardless of the situation in each particular country. In other words, the attainment of a certain level of GDP per capita does not require a straightforward use of current data on a similar country but envisions corrections reflecting the shifts that result from global economic development. Chart 1 shows the dynamics of development over 20 years under each scenario. Also, it relies on a supposition that growth rates, compared to the level of development of certain countries and falling into a specified range in 2003, were steady.
The results of this calculation point to three conclusions that are important for understanding the tendencies of and prospects for Russia’s development.
First, even a 9-percent growth rate over a period of twenty years will not allow Russia to exceed the level of economic development that any of the advanced countries in the world had in 2003.
Second, the Nigerian model is not anywhere in sight even considering the prospect for very low GDP rates. To slide into a degradation of that scale, a country must struggle through chaos and this is scarcely possible for a country at Russia’s level of social and economic development.
Third, even low growth rates shown in Option A will eventually place Russia at the level of EU member-states, albeit the ones at the bottom of the EU list. Under Option B, the country will achieve the levels of Norway and Ireland, the two countries having the biggest GDP per capita in today’s Europe.
A more scrupulous quantitative analysis of long-term economic growth factors produces a result unexpected at first glance. It shows that the quality of institutions does not improve automatically over time. This is to say, there is no statistically meaningful correlation between the quality of institutions and the time factor. But steady economic growth always improves the quality of institutions (like the institution of ownership). Global tendencies show that revenues do not grow anywhere without improving the institutional environment. Expansion of modern democratic institutions always correlates with growing revenues, which proves once again the thesis running through this article. It stipulates that improvement of the institutional environment is a fundamental prerequisite for resolving the tasks of accelerated modernization Russia is faced with today.