In case of the first three, emphasis is put on low-hydrogen or controlled-hydrogen electrode
classifications. All electrodes for these processes are required to be certified to the CSA W48 Standard
while filler metals for the last two processes are subject to procedure qualification as prescribed in the
Base materials are identified by referencing pertinent reinforcing steels of the CSA G30 Standard
series while a number of structural steels are listed under their CSA G40.21 or ASTM designations.
The administration of the Standard and specifically of its certification program is left with the Canadian
Welding Bureau with the usual requirements for the Bureau to check on the maintenance of code
conditions and to publish lists of certified fabricators.
The detailed and comprehensive design provisions of the Standard are based on the limit states (LSD)
principles with the SI (metric) units used throughout. Described are types of bar splices, types of bar to
structural steel anchorage connections together with types of welds used (grooves and fillets). Special
attention is given to flare grooves (welds between two round bars in a longitudinal lap joint and welds
between a round bar and flat plate also in a lap joint). The effective sizes and lengths of all types of
welds are established.
The minimum factored resistances of joints are defined and a number of formulae delivering these
resistances provided. Included are also formulae precluding any other predictable or possible modes
of failure associated with a given joint configuration. A comprehensive tabulation of design applications
relating bar or plate material to electrode classifications for all possible types of welds is provided.
The provisions for workmanship are based on principles of good welding practice. Low temperature
limitations for welding, preparation, assembly requirements and the mandatory use of approved
welding procedures with emphasis on proper application of preheat are clearly specified. Options for
welding of galvanized steel are offered. Storage and conditioning of electrodes and the quality of
welds are covered.
In the part on certification, the Standard has adopted identical requirements to those in the W47.1
Standard. They include:
1) qualified:
- engineering personnel, employed or retained
- supervisory personnel
- welding personnel
2) approved welding procedures
3) adequate welding equipment