NARRATOR 1: Imagine late one night you couldn't sleep, so you got out of bed and looked out the window and there you saw a giant!
NARRATOR 2: That's what happened to a little girl named Sophie. There across the street was a giant, with a long, thin trumpet and a large suitcase.
NARRATOR 1: Then the giant saw Sophie. Sophie jumped back into bed and under the covers, But the giant reached through the window and grabbed her!
NARRATOR 2: Then he ran all night, until they reached his enormous cave n Giant Country.
BFG: (in himself, speaking of Saphie) Now.what has us got here?
NARRATOR 1: The Giant put the trembling Sophie on the table.
SOPHIH: (to herself) Now he really is going to eat me.
NARRATOR 2 Sophie thought.
ARRATOR 1: The Giant stared hard at Sophie. Ile had truly enormous ears. Each one was as big as the wheel of a truck.
BFG: (grins widely) l is hungry!