Predictive modelling consists in describing effects of environmental factors on microbial growth parameters. With food
spoilage bacteria, this approach must be extended to both growth and food damage characterisation. In order to study the
incidence of storage temperature on vegetable damage, using predictive microbiology tools, kinetics of pectic compound
degradation were studied. Chryseomonas luteola has been chosen because of its ability to grow on post-harvested vegetables.
1 3.5 Experiments were performed at refrigerated temperatures (0–108C) with low initial bacterial charges (10 –10 cfu /ml).
Microbial specific growth rate (m), stability phase before pectic degradation (S ) and alteration percentage (A ) were chosen p p
as reference parameters. Then, sub-optimal temperature effects on these three parameters were estimated using modified
Ratkowsky model. Results obtained in synthetic medium were compared with data observed in endive juice to appreciate the
alteration of vegetable during post-harvest storage. Ó 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Keywords: Predictive modelling; Environmental factors; Microbial growth parameters; Food spoilage bacteria; Postharvested