V. rotundifolia is a sprawling shrub that can grow as tall as 1.5 m though it typically ranges from 0.5 to 1 m in height. As a product of its rapid nodal rooting, the plant can form dense mats reaching in excess of 10 m from the parent plant.[1] New stems are green, square and fleshy initially before maturing brown and woody. Older, large-diameter stems are covered with heavily fissured bark. Running horizontal stems produce frequent upright branches. Leaves are strongly aromatic, intensifying when crushed.[2] The majority of leaves are simple, but they can occasionally be palmate trifoliate or 2-leaved.[1] Leaves measure 2 to 6.5 cm in length and 1-4.5 cm in width.[2] Leaf margins are entire. The leaf shape varies from ovate to obovate with acute bases and obtuse apexes. Occasionally, leaf apexes are acute or emarginate. Upper leaf surfaces are dark green whereas lower leaf surfaces range in color from silver to white to light green; all leaf surfaces are tomentose.[3] Petiole bases are typically somewhat purple and measure 0 to 1 cm in length. Blades are cupped downward slightly. Leaf veins are lighter green than surrounding tissue. Flowers are borne in indeterminate panicles that may be terminal or axillary. Infloresences measure 3 to 7 cm in length. The calyx is cup-shaped and 4 to 4.5 cm long. Flowers are zygomorphic, purple to blue-purple, and short pedunculate. They are two-lipped and funnel-form (measuring 8 mm in length). Four stamens are didynamous and extend beyond the corolla tube (measuring 9 to 10 mm). The style extends beyond the stamens (total length: 12 mm).[2] Pollen is tricolpate. Ovaries consist of two carpels with each containing two single seeded locules. Fruits are globose drupes that are green while immature but turn yellow and red before maturing to bluish black.[4] The fruits are frequently incorrectly characterized in the literature as "seeds or berries". Each drupe contains a maximum of four seeds though there are usually fewer as a result of seed abortion.[5] Each seed is encapsulated in a separate compartment. Endosperm is absent.[6] Seeds germinate into tender seedlings that bear two cotyledons and quickly develop two red-margined true leaves. Ploidy level is 2n = 32, 34*