Aliquots of 0.5mL of undiluted culture
filtrate of each isolate were then pipetted into three replicate
single-well depression slides and allowed to dry in a laminar
flow cabinet. Meanwhile, a spore suspension of C. gloeosporioides
was prepared from a 10-d-old MEA culture. Conidia were transferred
with a sterile loop to 10mL sterile distilled water containing
0.05% Tween 80; the concentration of spores was determined using
a hemacytometer and adjusted with sterile distilled water, and
0.5mL aliquots (containing 100–150 spores) were then pipetted
into each depression slide. The slides were incubated in a humid
chamber at 25◦C for 48 h. Data on spore germination and germ
tube or hyphal length were recorded every 12 h under a compound
microscope. A conidiumwas considered to have germinated
when a germ tube at least half the length of the conidium was