Dear supplier,
Our customers, governments and other stakeholders expect us to manage our business responsibly. Procurement plays a central role in helping K-C deliver on these commitments by identifying suppliers that deliver not only on cost, quality and schedule, but also align with our values on safeguarding the environment, respecting basic human rights and preventing corruption. The recently, we will launched a pilot Desktop Due Diligence screening process for highest risk suppliers to deliver on our strong commitments to sustainability, ethics, and compliance.
What’s happening? We have chosen two vendors to help us pilot Desktop Due Diligence screening of 170 suppliers identified as having high environmental, social or compliance risk. The two vendors – Ecovadis and Hill & Associates – differ in their approach and geographic scope:
1. EcoVadis, which is being used by industry leaders like Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, and Nestlé, asks suppliers to respond to a questionnaire and upload supporting documentation. The tool applies to all of APAC and requires vendors to pay a co-financing fee of EUR 40 per month.
2. Hill & Associates matches supplier names to public and proprietary databases (in Thailand and Vietnam for purposes of this pilot). Suppliers need to provide some additional details and sign a background check consent form. Suppliers do not need to pay for this service.
I have enclosed the letter to explain the program and our required participation. Kindly support fill your info through “ Hill risk Consent letter” to move forward on this project together.
Would be appreciate of it, if you reply by 19 Aug’16.
Many thanks for your cooperation in advance