With regard to calculations not matching up. It is not acceptable practise that what appears on receipts is different to that which is seen on back end reports. Excuses of "rounding" are not acceptable to the Government revenue department unless they can be seen to match up. The fact that amounts do not match also cause a serious loss of credibility, if we cannot get simple mathematics correct how can the system be trusted to be stable? This does not take into consideration legal issues that could result from incorrect tax calculations (even if it is 0.02)
We are asking for the mathematics to be correct and consistent front to back. If it says somethign is 80 on a receipt then the back end reports should reflect the same number.
The business in Thailand has already lost almost $1 million in business over the next 2 years due to bugs that affect the tax reporting and cause loss to the client including the bugs in consumption report, sales journal, rounding variances, reset of x/z report when menu editor used during operation, partial/split payment etc etc.
jacky will continue to monitor and report however we are now facing more and more demand to have system completed.