1. Transhumant
2. Fallow grazing with cropping system
3. Silvo-pastoral system
4. Monogastric landless
5. Luminant landless
6. Solely Livestock Production Systems on Grassland based in Temperate zone and Tropical highland
7. Solely Livestock Production Systems (L) Grassland based in Humid/sub-humid tropics and subtropics
8. Solely Livestock Production Systems (L) Grassland based in Arid/semi-arid tropics and subtropics
9. Mixed Farming System in Rainfed Temperate zone and Tropical highland
10. Mixed Farming System in Rainfed Humid/sub-humid tropics and subtropics
11. Mixed Farming System in Rainfed Arid/semi-arid tropics and subtropics
12. Mixed Farming System in Irrigated Temperate zone and Tropical highland
13. Mixed Farming System in Irrigated Humid/sub-humid tropics and subtropics
14. Mixed Farming System in Irrigated Arid/semi-arid tropics and subtropics