First-Day Ceremonies
A typical first day consists of the following: The workshop coordinator, representatives
of host organizations, local sponsors, dignitaries, politicians, and health officials give
introductions. Faculty introduce themselves with a brief biographical sketch and a
description of the subjects to be covered. The coordinator gives a presentation of the
workshop objectives and describes the succeeding days’ schedules in detail. The schedule for the week is distributed, along with the compendium of lectures and their supporting documentation. Other handouts are also distributed at this time. After the end of
formal lectures on the first day, faculty and participants enjoy a welcoming reception.
Establishing rapport with the participants at the reception promotes increased information
exchange throughout the remainder of the workshop. Such social functions result in longterm associations, to the benefit of faculty and participants.
Typical Workshop Day
Workshops begin approximately at 8:00 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m., with morning and afternoon breaks and lunch breaks taken during the day. Lectures should not last beyond 1 1⁄2
hours without giving participants an opportunity to stretch. Lectures can include any of a
number of topics contained in the ACEW Syllabus (Dyro and Wear, 2001), and detailed
descriptions of the contents of past ACEWs have been published (Advanced Clinical