Fight intense is carrying on, the surrounding waters changed red change Qing, Sheng Jun behind person also had does not participate in the fight well, but majority has not moved.
This is Qing Shui makes Sheng Jun tell that such fight behind most people are the function, instead the person increases the casualties.
Comes across such tangled warfare, Qing Shui will feel that the Long Zhu'er ability is terrifying, the group spider all over, these monster spider physiques are big, several thousand absolutely could be called everywhere to spread wildly, several formidable monster beasts that in addition airborne blocked the sky, the scene shocked magnificently.
The time of two quarters, the time of two quarters had ended the fight, did not have the side of stratagem which ensures success, planned a side that migrates to run away, actually all destroy completely the opposite party in the time of two quarters.
Mount Athos almost does not have what casualties, but intense fighting affected some people, casualties dozens people, this digit has been able to ignore.
Other Mount Athos people the battlefield cleanup, Qing Shui looks at the surroundings, he little large-scale such slaughtering, a moment ago he does not know that has killed many people.
He does not like killing people actually, he does not like that feeling, the practice to not kill people, even if the person of [say / way] of slaughtering these walk, their slaughtering to promote strength, the goal is not the murder , to promote the strength.
„What thinks?” Sheng Jun arrives at side Qing Shui to ask.
„No, for a long time has not killed these many people.” Qing Shui smiles.
Said these words time is very strange, now can say calmly one kill people, previous generation time is law ~ governs ~ society ~ meeting, the murder must pay with a life, he remembers very clearly, having a dream time killed people, even if in the dream knows one ended, justice is inescapable, even if has a dream to feel that anything ended feeling.
Sheng Jun was done by Qing Shui these words obviously stares, the bonus is she does not know extremely bright Qing Shui must express any meaning.
„What's wrong, loathed this type to live.” Sheng Jun smiles was saying.
„It is not the loathing, has not liked.” Qing Shui turns head to look at the woman in this holy Chi Mei.
„Isn't the men likes this life?” Sheng Jun curious asking.
„Tool bit licks the day of blood, although is very exciting, but the time will grow will have discovered that own hand was numb, the time grew, even if were estimated soberly also requires to be swallowed by this custom.” Qing Shui stretches out the palm to look.
„Sometimes the life of everyone was actually not controlled by oneself, is not has thought what life what life, the mission of everyone is doomed, such as some people births shouldered the intense and deep-seated hatred.” Sheng Jun shakes the head helpless saying.
Qing Shui remembers the previous generation a few words to say now expresses a phenomenon, but these words were not suitable saying that but changed saying: „Life looks like the devastation, since cannot revolt, that can only enjoy, can only try to find pleasure amidst suffering.”
Although Qing Shui changed, is insufficient to be so undisguised, but Sheng Jun could not bear be angry Qing Shui, changed, but the meaning was that obvious, the devastation was that meaning
Qing Shui can only awkward smiling, he now not be a child, a lot might as well acknowledged that does not need to explain that many, explained that more was instead more false, as if more conceals anything, he had a clear conscience,
„Human in rivers and lakes, involuntary.” Qing Shui smiles to walk forward.
Sheng Jun slowly follows him together, but has not spoken, her innermost feelings are actually not calm like the surface , this man who walked into her to live as if has ironed some traces.
She wants to erase, but discovered that seems very difficult, she has thought many situations, discovered is unable to achieve thorough negligence and balance, this makes her know that this man for her as if is actually very special.
Specially, she does not know that is what psychology, this is not curious, is feels and him is very comfortable in the same place, the feeling that she thinks is very happy.
„Does the Rakshasa palace have other people besides these people?” Qing Shui walks while asked.
„Has, but today these people are the nuclei of Rakshasa palace, remaining has been nothing to speak.” Sheng Jun said with a smile, her present is very relaxed.