Conversation 2: A: Was it a girl or a boy? B: A girl. She’s three kilos and very healthy? A: When will they come home from the hospital? B: I’m going to bring them home tomorrow. A: Well, congratulations! What a nice change for the neighborhood!
1. What are these people talking about? _________________________________________________ 2. Where are they? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Which words helped you guess the topic? _____________________________________________
Conversation 3: A: I’d like to withdraw some money from my account, please. B: How much do you want to withdraw? A: Could you tell me what my balance is, please? B: All right, I’ll check.
1. What are these people talking about? _________________________________________________ 2. Where are they? ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Who is Speaker B? _________________________________________________________________
Conversation 4: A: I like the color. B: So do I. Red is my favorite color. A: How many kilos does it have on it? B: Only 25,000. They told me it belonged to an old man. He didn’t use it much. A: What’s the price?