Track 2
Track two involves the three Bishops, Teito, Burupya and Hakuren discussing the hot springs in District 7, where Teito and Frau are to be working at. The Bishops warn Teito that the Imperial Army is still on the watch so they mustn't let down their guards. Frau starts arguing with both Teito and Castor about the Promise Collar and Castor's nature respectively, but stops when Labrador becomes upset. As Labrador and Castor leave, Teito cannot help but feel something bad will happen. He then monologues on his years in the Academy, his past as a sklave and his relationship with the King of Raggs.
The clergy are busy packing, and Castor uncovers Frau's porn stash in one of his suitcases, burning them all to Frau's horror. In order for Teito to leave without being recognized, he is forced to wear a nun's habit.
When they all get to their destination, they are inspected by the border control, who realize Teito is not a nun. When Hakuren suggests they break through the barriers, the guards notice their escape and open fire, sending Teito and Hakuren's Hawkzile into the ravine below.