Use of ground rules
Taking early action is easier when a facilitator pays close attention to communication
patterns that unfold in early stages of a group’s interaction, has been proactive in planning
for the group session, and is prepared to help a group handle conflict. Having ground rules
or a process for conflict management process in place allows members to learn to voice
dissent in ways that move the group and the issues forward. In long-time teams or in groups
in which disagreement over issues is expected, these rules can be discussed, agreed upon,
and posted. At the very least, facilitators or group leaders should give some advance
thought to how they will handle conflict. Use of ground rules is one way to foster a climate of
productive, issue-based discussions
Use of ground rules
Taking early action is easier when a facilitator pays close attention to communication
patterns that unfold in early stages of a group’s interaction, has been proactive in planning
for the group session, and is prepared to help a group handle conflict. Having ground rules
or a process for conflict management process in place allows members to learn to voice
dissent in ways that move the group and the issues forward. In long-time teams or in groups
in which disagreement over issues is expected, these rules can be discussed, agreed upon,
and posted. At the very least, facilitators or group leaders should give some advance
thought to how they will handle conflict. Use of ground rules is one way to foster a climate of
productive, issue-based discussions
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