As illustrated above, checklists can be useful in metaevaluations. The Evaluation Contracting
Checklist and the Joint Committee Program Evaluation Standards Checklist plus additional
checklists may be accessed at the web site to be referenced near the end of this article.
Included in that repository are a range of checklists designed for use in evaluating personnel,
program, and materials evaluations. Among others they include Scriven’s Key Evaluation
Checklist, a checklist by Ernest House and Kenneth Howe for guiding and assessing
Deliberative Democratic evaluations, Lorrie Shepard’s Checklist for Assessing State Educational
Assessment Systems, my personnel and program evaluation checklists keyed to the
Joint Committee’s evaluation standards, and another of mine focused on the tasks in the
evaluation process. By the time this article is published, I expect to put up on the Web site
and invite critical feedback on a draft AEA Guiding Principles Checklist. Interested readers
may also consult my article on evaluation checklists that appeared in the last issue of AJE
(Stufflebeam, 2001).