Salvia Divinorum
Can I use this to fall asleep and while sleeping?
1 year ago•
samantha white
Is it also good to fall asleep yo this?
2 years ago•
samantha white
No problem m8
2 years ago•
samantha white
That was a great experience
2 years ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
What a coincidence! Just try it again ;)
2 years ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
thanks for your feeback!
2 years ago•
Cichlid Maximus
I went to sleep and did not fall asleep
2 years ago•
So right when I start entering a Lucid state I get a call.. Luck..
2 years ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
2 years ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
Hmm, it is possible. If you "want" to fall asleep to that, because you are lying in your bed and it's already bedtime than you will most certainly experience a very restorative sleep. But during the day, if you're not too tired, you shouldn't have problems staying awake ;)
2 years ago•
Kyli Boz
Can i fall asleep while listening?
2 year