When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do?
Write it down to see if it looks right
Spell it out loud to see if it sounds right
Trace the letters in the air (finger spelling)
3. You're out shopping for clothes, and you're waiting in line to pay. What are you most likely to do while you are waiting?
Look around at other clothes on the racks
Talk to the person next to you in line
Fidget or move back and forth
4. When you see the word "cat," what do you do first?
Picture a cat in your mind
Say the word "cat" to yourself
Think about being with a cat (petting it or hearing it purr)
5. What's the best way for you to study for a test?
Read the book or your notes and review pictures or charts
Have someone ask you questions that you can answer out loud
Make up index cards that you can review
6. What's the best way for you to learn about how something works (like a computer or a video game)?
Get someone to show you
Read about it or listen to someone explain it
Figure it out on your own
7. If you went to a school dance, what would you be most likely to remember the next day?
The faces of the people who were there
The music that was played
The dance moves you did and the food you ate
8. What do you find most distracting when you are trying to study?
People walking past you
Loud noises
An uncomfortable chair
9. When you are angry, what are you most likely to do?
Put on your "mad" face
Yell and scream
Slam doors
10. When you are happy, what are you most likely to do?
Smile from ear to ear
Talk up a storm
Act really hyper
11. When in a new place, how do you find your way around?
Look for a map or directory that shows you where everything is
Ask someone for directions
Just start walking around until you find what you're looking for
12. Of these three classes, which is your favorite?
Art class
Music class
Gym class
13. When you hear a song on the radio, what are you most likely to do?
Picture the video that goes along with it
Sing or hum along with the music
Start dancing or tapping your foot
14. What do you find most distracting when in class?
Lights that are too bright or too dim
Noises from the hallway or outside the building (like traffic or someone cutting the grass)
The temperature being too hot or too cold
15. What do you like to do to relax?
Listen to music
Exercise (walk, run, play sports, etc.)
16. What is the best way for you to remember a friend's phone number?
Picture the numbers on the phone as you would dial them
Say it out loud over and over and over
Write it down or store it in your phone contact list
17. If you won a game, which of these three prizes would you choose?
A poster for the wall
A music CD or mp3 download
A game of some kind (or a football or soccer ball, etc.)
18. Which would you rather go to with a group of friends?
A movie
A concert
An amusement park
19. What are you most likely to remember about new people you meet?
Their face but not their name
Their name but not their face
What you talked about with them
20. When you give someone directions to your house, what are you most likely to tell them?
A description of building and landmarks they will pass on the way
The names of the roads or streets they will be on
"Follow me—it will be easier if I just show you how to get there."