Once the sale manager receives the approved sales order, he reviews it and places it in an in-process bin on his desk.
This bin contains all the approved sales orders from the sales orders from the entire business day.
At the end of the day, the sales manager key in all of the approved sales orders for the day into his computer terminal.
When all sales orders are entered, the clerk clicks the Comfirm and Save button.
This triggers the overnight batch process, which produces an electronic copy of each sales order.
This electronic copy is distributed to computer terminals of their respective parties overnight so they are ready by the next morning.
One copy of the electronic sales order is sent to the manufacturing department; another is sent to the shipping department; and a third is e-mailed to the customer for their personal records.
This process also automatically updates each individual customer record file on the sales department's computer to reflect the transactions.
The hard copy of the approved sales order is filed in the sales department.