Among the biodegradable polymers, PBS as a thermoplastic, semi- crystalline and aliphatic polyester, could be either gained from petroleum-based sources or renewable resources [14,15]. It has been considered as a potential biodegradable polymer in consequence of its virtues in processability, flexibility, thermal properties and compost- ability [16,17]. It is worth mentioning that the lightweight, biode- gradable nature, and low thermal conductivity of PBS foams made them exhibit broad application prospects in food packaging fields [18].Unfortunately, the further applications of PBS, especially for its foams, were limited due to several disadvantages. To be specific, the linear molecular chain structure, low molecular weight and narrow molecular weight distribution of PBS lead to the poor melt strength and melt viscoelasticity, which would result in coalescence and rupture of cells during its foaming stage [19]. Additionally, PBS foams have a narrow processing temperature window owing to their relatively fast crystallization velocity and high crystallinity (Xc) [19]. To overcome aforementioned issues, many approaches such as blending with othe