Business Letter Formats
Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. However, there are several ways to format this information. For example, return addresses can be centered or begin at the left margin or begin at the horizontal center of the page.
There are four basic business letter formats.
Letter Format Features Sample Letter
Full Block All letter parts begin at the left margin. Full Block
Modified Block Indented Paragraphs Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs are indented. Indented Paragraphs
Blocked Paragraphs Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs begin at the left margin. Blocked Paragraphs
Simplified All letter parts begin at the left margin. This format includes a subject line but omits the salutation and signature. Simplified
Format for Writing Professional Letters
There are several formats for writing professional letters. There are two basic styles of letters: block form andindented form. The samples below will help you determine which style you prefer.
Check Writing Letters for more details on block, indented and simplified letters.