To make it possible to create another computer connection between the direct FANUC robot RJ3iB (MASTER) controller and EMCO lathe, it was necessary to add to the lathe steering system another computer which has a PROFIBUS DP SLAVE card and installed DNC program in.
To ensure the possibility of connecting additional systems to the computer robot manufacturing center LAN, during configuration the PROFIBUS DP LAN, it was predicted there would be a need for collaboration with an additional PLC FANUC VersaMax controller.
The mutual information exchange between the PLC controller and direct FANUC robot RJ3iB controller is realized by feedbacks through DPM1 in “OPERATE” mode. Fig. 7. shows that computer structure in an analyzed lathe center.
Worth notice is the redundancy of the information flow paths between CNC lathe and direct robot (MASTER).
This path was duplicated on purpose - to show the advantages and disadvantages of using a cheaper, zero-one system and more expensive connection – PROFIBUS DP industrial LAN. Using that kind of connection enables the working program exchange.
Moreover, there is obtained full application of memory
registry of the RJ3iB controller. Memory registry permit to keep
INTEGER values – 8 bits (using binary signal connection allows
only 1 bit of memory – value zero or one).