Step 5: Statistical analysis or setting up suitability maps based on decision rules
The procedure for quantifying the role of the different location factors in the suitability for
a specific land use type by statistical analysis is described in Exercise 4.
External models
Specific land use
Land use
Land use
method for
demand (land
area claims) Location
Spatial data
Step 6: Create a directory for your model application
CLUE only needs and produces files within one directory. It is most convenient to create
a new directory for your application and store all the files that you prepare for the model
in that directory. You may start by copying clues.exe and clues.hlp into the directory.
Note that if you use ArcView3.x it is not possible to have spaces within the path name
(e.g. c:/documents and settings/clue).
Step 7: Prepare demand / land area claim file
The procedure is described in exercise 2.2. Please note that the total area of all land use
types together may not change or exceed the surface area of the active cells within the
study area. Indicate in the top line the total number of lines in this file, this should equal
the number of years to be simulated plus the initial year. The second line of the file gives
the surface area of the land use types in the initial year. This should equal the area as
indicated in the map of the initial year (cov_all.0). Please note that the units should be
equal to the units as specified in the main parameter file, if the reference units of all
maps are in meters the preferred land area unit is hectares. The resulting demand file
should be saved in the simulation directory with the name* with * being a
number or character.
Step 8: Prepare a region file
In the standard region file all cells that have a land use type in the initial situation are
allowed to change. This standard region file can easily be made by reclassifying the
mask made in step 4 to value 0 in all cells that need to be calculated and ‘no data’/’-
9999’ in all other cells. This file needs to be exported to an ASCII file and saved in the
simulation directory as region**.fil where ** may be any name with multiple characters.
For scenarios in which certain areas are not allowed to change it is possible to create an
alternative region file in which the ‘static’ regions are assigned value -9998.
Step 9: Copy all files with location factors in the simulation directory
If you did not yet do so in step 4 it is now needed to copy all location factors used in the
statistical models into the simulation directory as ASCII grid files named sc1gr*.fil where
* stands for the location factor number. Note that numbering should be consecutive and
start with 0.
Step 10: Copy the initial land use map to the simulation directory
This file should contain the initial land use map with land uses numbered consecutive
from 0 onwards. The format is ASCII grid named cov_all.0
Step 11: Set-up the main parameter file
Create within the simulation directory a text file called main.1 (e.g. by opening Notepad
and saving an empty text file). You can now edit this file using the CLUE interface (click
clues.exe / file | edit main parameters) or by editing the main.1 file with a text editor
(Notepad/Wordpad etc.). In the CLUE-help file you can exactly read what parameters
need to be defined. Define all parameter settings as adequate for your case study area.
Step 12: Create the regression parameter file
Create within the simulation directory a text file called alloc1.reg (e.g. by opening
Notepad and saving an empty text file). You can now edit this file using the CLUE
interface (click clues.exe / file | edit regression results) or by editing the alloc1.reg file
with a text editor (Notepad/Wordpad etc.). In the CLUE-help file you can exactly read
how the file should be formatted. The file should reflect the results of the statistical
analysis. In case for one land use type no changes in land use are simulated (e.g., a
static land use type) it is still needed to define parameters for the regression equation. In
that case a regression with equal values should be indicates, e.g., a constant with value
0.7 and 1 location factor with beta value 0.
Step 13: Create the conversion matrix
Create within the simulation directory a text file called allow.txt (e.g. by opening Notepad
and saving an empty text file). You can now edit this file using the CLUE interface (click
clues.exe / file | edit conversion matrix) or by editing the allow.txt file with a text editor
(Notepad/Wordpad etc.). In the CLUE-help file you can exactly read how the file should
be formatted. It is easiest to first conceptually think which conversions are possible and
which are not possible. This can be implemented by the values 1 and 0 in the conversion
matrix. After a test run is successfully made it is possible to further specify the matrix
with time lags and other more advanced options.
Step 14: Optional: specify neighbourhood interactions
See the help file for more information. In case neighbourhood interactions are not
considered (option 0 for neighbourhood interactions in the main parameter file) these
files do not need to be specified.
Step 15: Test the model
Start the model by selecting a demand file, region file and click RUN!