Recent improvements in data communication can empower new features in various industries. Tou rism
can also profit from real-time data communication to attack problems of data untimeliness, which is one of
main problems existing in tourism industry in Thailand. Hence, this study is aimed at developing
application an active tourism information acquisition system under market strategy plan . Our strategy is
created from customer needs through the 4P model, from which we found that two key issues, e.g. (1)
incentive by gamification marketing and (2) highly increasing up-to-date data, can influence travelers to
visit certain places. Our work uses technology acceptance survey from 420 travelers. We have found the
actual factor that affect user adoption and inspire user to make the travel happens. When the users accept
and use the system, the tourism information will be collected and updated in the system continually. The
paper demonstrates that applying acquisition system with tourism sector can be used to improve the
system in the same domain to actually support business by responding to the travelers’ demands