บล็อกของ Sambidoplangโปเกมอน GB GBC GBA NDS N64 <-ต้องเล่นแม่งเลยทั้งหมด การฝึกปฏิบัติเด็ดเดี่ยวโปเกมอน (ภาษาอังกฤษ)เต็มฝึกโปเกมอนเด็ดเดี่ยว (ภาษาอังกฤษ)หมายเหตุ: หากคุณต้องการอ่านฝึกปฏิบัตินี้ในภาษา กรุณาคลิกที่นี่Outsea Meadow > Cedar City > Wave Path > Undersea Passage > Pearl Villa > Windy Path > Windy Cave > Solar City(get Snivy in a house, enter Prof.Avery's Lab and get a pokedex > back to Cedar City(talk to your Mom) > Pearl Villa again(beat gym leader and get the 1st badge) > Solar City > Grass Path(get Hm01-Cut) > Amethyst Town(get Oshawott in a house, beat gym leader and get the 2nd badge) > Cloud Path > Cloud Forest > Goldenshine Villa > Peace way(get Drink Card from Luke) > Ultramarine City(get Vennekin in a house, finish an event beside the gym and then enter gym and get 3rd badge) > Orchid Path(get Hm06-Rock Smash from Eliza) > Dianthus Town(get Turtwig in a house and talk to little girl to get Zorua) > Umber Path(get Hm04-Strength) > Lithopone City(get Mach Bike in Bike Shop. Beat gym leader to get 4th badge and then enter a house to get Hm02-Fly) > Lithopone Ferry > Cermine Isla(finish an event there and Grandma will give you Hm03-Surf, dont forget to get Eevee in the Lily's Apartment, You must sleep in your room if u wana get back to Lithopone Ferry) > Lithopone Ferry > back to Cedar City(beat gym leader to get 5th badge) > Solar City > Brown Lake > Cherry Villa(get Item Finder in a house, enter gym and beat Norton) > back to Solar City(enter Sylon Academy and find 4 keys using Item Finder, the keys are hidden in class room, after get that key, open the last door and u will get a basement key from Bezarrye. Then surf in the waters east of the city, u will find a building named Forest Basement, finish an event there and u will get a Card Key. Then back to Sylon Academy and open the locked door with Card Key and finish an event there, dont forget to take Piplup from the Scientist) > Cherry Villa(beat Norton and get 6th badge) > Cedar City > Bluish Path > Spearmint Villa(here u can get a Super Rod, Wailmer Pail, Lapras's Egg, Eevee and Eevee-S) > Celeste Path > Lividity City(here u can get Chimchar, Mega Rock and Anti Mega. Beat gym leader to get 7th badge) > Treeshade Path(get Hm-08 Dive) > Moss Cave > Chinchilla City(here u can get Chespin. Beat gym leader to get 8th badge then finish an event of Nicole) > fly to Sky Castle(finish an event there. Dont forget to leave space in your party) > Chinchilla Town > get Hm-07 Waterfall From Wind > Maize Road > Victory Way > Sylon League(beat the league) > Hall Of Fame > get East Ticket from Elijah > Lithopone Ferry(use your East Ticket) > Eastern City(get Tri-Pass from Veronica. Enter the Central Building and finish event there, u will get Coin Case from Elijah. Go North til u find 2 Crustles blocking the road then press A to that Crustle, Prof.Avery will call u and ask u to go to Sky Castle again) > fly to Sky Casble(put keldeo in your party. Enter a building with Keldeo statue inside and finish the event) > Eastern City(enter the top right corner building, talk to Receptionist and she'll give u mission)#MISSION 1go to Sandy Villa(above of Eastern city) and enter Amberyellow Library, talk to Mr.Rock and he will ask u to find a Tool Box in Abandoned Mine. Go there and find it. Talk to Mr.Rock again if u found it. Then back to Eastern City to get the next mission.#MISSION 2go to Ultramarine City and enter a house that Scientist inside who will ask u to deliver a Microscope, then go to Spearmint Villa and give it to someone in top left corner house. Go back to Ultramarine City and talk again to the Scientist, after that go back to Eastern City for next mission.#MISSION 3go to Lividity City, talk to Receptionist in Super Market and she will ask u to find 3 yellow, 4 green and 2 red Shard. U can get that Shards in Hidden Cave of Windy Cave, Shale Tunnel and Moss Cave. Talk to her again if u got all of them. Then back to Eastern City for next mission.#MISSION 4go to Solar City and talk to Alma beside the Pokecenter. Then go to Windy Cave, find Night and he will give u A-332, then talk to Alma again, after that back to Eastern City to get a Tyron Ticket. Go to Subway Station and use your ticket to get Tyron Region.WELCOME TO TYRON REGIONMarble City(here u can get Froakie. Beat gym leader and get the 1st badge) > Navel Path > Heat Passage > Jade Lake > Volcano Town(here u can get Tepig. Talk to Autumn in front of Pokecenter. Beat gym leader and get 2nd badge) > Jade Volcano > Holy Land > Peak of Jade Volcano > Jade Volcano Cave(find Steven) > back to Volcano Town(enter Heat Passage in botton of city and talk to Hai Qing, he will give u Hm-05 Rock Climb) > Marble City > Rumors Forest > Sappine Path > Bronze Port(beat gym leader and get 3rd badge, then find Samir in the deep of gym) > Sappine Path > High Edge Fall > Mt.skywall > Pure Village > Volcano Path > Dead Volcano > Ancient Meadow > Greenland Cit
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