5. Cats are quieter
With the occasional exception of very vocal cats such as the Siamese or the Bengal, cats are very quiet animals who do not make a big noisy fuss! Cats do not bark at the sound of the doorbell, howl along to the radio, or otherwise talk back so loudly that your neighbours can hear them. Shhh!
4. You can fit several cats into your bed and still have room for yourself
Cat mathematics dictates that you can fit four or more cats comfortably into a double bed and still have room for yourself! Trying to squeeze yourself into bed alongside of a spread-eagled Saint Bernard dog, however, can prove to be more of a challenge and can lead to the odd sleepless night spend on the sofa!
3. Cats are not prone to rolling in disgusting things
Cats are incredibly finicky about their cleanliness, and spend large portions of their days washing themselves and getting their fur just so. Dogs on the other hand, heartily enjoy disgusting stinky messes, and will often make a beeline for the nearest puddle, pile of fox pooh or reeking, decaying carcass, and take great delight in rolling around in it, against the wishes of their owners!
2. Earning a cat’s respect is a significant achievement
Dogs are on the whole easily pleased, and a kind word or even better, a tasty treat will soon earn you a friend for life. Cats, on the other hand, are much more discerning about who they give their affection to, and you have to work to earn and retain the love and respect of a cat! There are few feelings more rewarding than knowing that a cat has chosen you to be their favourite person, and once you have won their love, cats are just as loyal and demonstrative as dogs; but only for their special person, and not for everyone that they meet in the street!
1. Cats were once worshipped as gods
This line says it all, really. Dogs might be man’s best friend, but in ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped as Gods, something that cats have never forgotten. Quite where we went wrong along the way by considering that cats are simply companions and pets now as opposed to the regal, mystical beings that they actually are is hard to define, but the humble mutt simply cannot compete with this one! Meow!