Movement and pressure data were transferred to a computer using a sensor-equipped pen and post-processed using CSWIN.
Movement were segmented into strokes and several Kinematic parameters were calculated.
The Kinematic parameters that were analyzed represented speed (frequency and stroke peak velocity)
automation(number of direction changes of velocity per stroke ) variability (variation coefficient of stroke peak velocity ) and pressure
Progression of kinematic parameters for each movement domain of the handwriting and circle drawing tasks correlated significantly
with age (Pesrson correlation P< 0.003) . speed automation and pressure incresased with age, whereas variability decreased. Nonlinear regressions revealed maturation of hand movement finish maturing later than circle drawing. Male sudjects drew circles at significantly higher speeds than female subjects. fine motor practice and laterality of handedness did not influence Kinematic parameters. A repeated
measure ANOVA confirmed the significant interdependency between age and complexity level for speed and automation (p