Low energy usage.
Not only does the TopBrewer have more drinks than any other coffeebrewer. It offers higher performance than any previous coffeebrewers, it’s also more energy efficient, using up to 90 per cent less energy in the idle state than our competitors.
Friendly to the environment.
The coffee-brewer is mostly produced using steel. Steel is the most recycled material in the world, and in it's recycled state it saves 80% CO2 emissions and 75% of the energy needed to create steel from raw materials. Steel can be recycled infinitively without loss of strength or durability.
Power saving - standby timer.
With most units in the coffee world, they very rarely want to switch them to standby or even switch them completely off. The reason being there is a internal water tank which is being kept warm. In the TopBrewer, we encourage you to use the powersaving mode, the unit is designed so that from a cold start to the first brew it only takes 45 sec. The schedule system within the machine ensures, that it will not be using energy when you dont desire it.