Thyrotoxicosis caused by post partum thyroiditis
usually does not require treatment; therefore, it is of
utmost importance to differentiate between Graves’
disease and post partum thyroiditis, TSH receptor
antibodies being positive in the former and negative in
the latter (51). If a woman is not breastfeeding,
radioiodine uptake may show low values in post partum
thyroiditis and elevated or normal values in Graves’
disease. Antithyroid drugs are the mainstay of treatment
for thyrotoxicosis during post partum period (52).
Neither PTU nor MMI causes any alterations in thyroid
function and physical and mental development of
infants breast-fed by lactating thyrotoxic mothers
(53–55). Methimazole is the preferred drug, because
of a risk of potential hepatotoxicity of PTU in either
mother or child