The principal research question guiding the study is “how is information literacy conceptualized
and practiced in academic libraries”. The research asks if and how the theoretical underpinnings,
the foundational beliefs and values of information literacy as expressed in official policy
documents and mission statements in academic libraries (espoused theories), guide and are
realized in the practice of information literacy in these institutions (theories-in-use). In the study,
the practice of information literacy is operationalized through a selected sample of online
tutorials which provide instruction in a range of dimensions of information literacy. The online
tutorial although only one of many artifacts representing the practice of information literacy was
selected because it has become a ubiquitous proxy for face-to-face instruction. Mission and goal
statements typically espouse values, and publicly declare purpose, and thus are intended to guide
practice. Fifteen academic libraries which provide exemplary instruction material in two best
practice information literacy databases provide the sample of institutions to be examined.