I am very pleased to inform you that Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan will co-host two significant events with The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) on April 30th, 2015 in Bangkok.
One is a “Thailand-Japan Public-Private Round Table on Next-generation Broadcasting.” (Please see the attachment 1.) This round table aims at exploring how to promote cooperative relationship between Thailand and Japan, and deepening mutual understanding by exchange views on next-generation broadcasting among broadcasting related companies both from Thailand and Japan. We also very much appreciate if you could participate in this event and assign appropriate personnels who will participate in this event and can discuss and explore how to promote cooperative relationship related to next-generation broadcasting including 4K and smart TV.
The other is a “Thailand-Japan Business Matching Conference on Broadcasting Programs.” (Please see the attachment 2.) At this conference, we invite broadcasters including production companies and buyers from both Thailand and Japan, and offer all of you to make brief presentations regarding current broadcasting initiatives and fascinating broadcast programs. We can also discuss cooperation in the fields of broadcasting program such as distributing programs each other or co-producing programs. Moreover, we also prepare a private meeting space at which you make successive conversations with prospective business partners along with the conference, hoping that, from this conference, a constellation of business partnership between Thailand and Japan will generate. In this point of view, we very much appreciate it if you could participate in this event and assign appropriate personnels who are responsible for TV programming/production or foreign programs.
We very appreciate if you could send your registration form to Mr. Hajime ONGA, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Thailand (Email: hajime.onga@mofa.go.jp, FAX: 02-207-8517) by April 17. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask Mr. Fumio Takeuchi, Assistant Director, International Policy Division, Global ICT Strategy Bureau, MIC, (thailand2015@ml.soumu.go.jp) or Mr. Pasu Srihirun, Executive Director of Broadcasting Policy and Research Bureau, NBTC (pasu.s@nbtc.go.th, 02-271-7629,081-841-7768).
We look forward to hearing from you.