Baggage Fees for Bangkok (BKK) to Paris, France (CDG)
Here's the most up-to-date information we have on baggage fees collected by each airline. Once you have selected your flight(s), a final view of your itinerary along with the applicable baggage fees will be available in the Important Flight Information section. Fees may vary based on when and how you pay, frequent flyer status, baggage size, weight and currency amongst other factors. Exceptions may apply, so you should use the link below or contact the airline for more information.
Baggage Fees for Bangkok (BKK) to Paris, France (CDG)Here's the most up-to-date information we have on baggage fees collected by each airline. Once you have selected your flight(s), a final view of your itinerary along with the applicable baggage fees will be available in the Important Flight Information section. Fees may vary based on when and how you pay, frequent flyer status, baggage size, weight and currency amongst other factors. Exceptions may apply, so you should use the link below or contact the airline for more information.
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