Scientifically acceptable conception. SNAC
Scientifically not acceptable conception. The percentages and number (in parenthesis) refer to students who
explicitly mentioned the particular conception referred to, which does not mean that other students might not also share these conceptions. In other words, it is very
possible that certain conceptions are more widespread than the numbers suggest. In addition, the response of one individual student may appear in more than one
conception depending on the conceptions that were evident in the response. Experimental Group 1 (EG1): participants used PME alone; Experimental Group 2
(EG2): participants used VME alone; Experimental Group 3 (EG3) participants used both PME and VME with VME preceding the use of PME; Experimental
Group 4 (EG4): participants used both PME and VME with PME preceding the use of VME.