Pakistan, like many other developing nations, looks towards proper
and effective use of its resources (natural and human) as an
important vehicle for economic and social development. Natural
resources – oil, gas, water, and coal – are precious commodities that
we must conserve, not squander. The more our population grows,
the more demands there are for these resources that provide for our
well-being. Natural resources like matter and energy can neither be
created nor destroyed – they can only be converted from one form
to another, which is useful to propagate human life. However, the
human resources in an organization as we all agree provide quite an
exception to this time-tested law.
Pakistan, like many other developing nations, looks towards properand effective use of its resources (natural and human) as animportant vehicle for economic and social development. Naturalresources – oil, gas, water, and coal – are precious commodities thatwe must conserve, not squander. The more our population grows,the more demands there are for these resources that provide for ourwell-being. Natural resources like matter and energy can neither becreated nor destroyed – they can only be converted from one formto another, which is useful to propagate human life. However, thehuman resources in an organization as we all agree provide quite anexception to this time-tested law.
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