The best fitting model for the CMJ performance of the latest maturing players could be expressed as: 8.65 + 1.04 x age + 0.17 x age + 0.15 x leg length + 0.12 x fat-free mass + 0.07 x sit-and-reach + 0.01 x moving sideways. The best models for average and earliest maturing players were the same as for the latest maturing players, minus 0.73 and 1.74 cm, respectively. The best fitting model on the SBJ performance could be expressed as follows: 102.97 + 2.24 x age + 0.55 x leg length + 0.66 x fat-free mass + 0.16 x sit-and-reach + 0.13 jumping sideways. Maturity groups had a negligible effect on SBJ performance.