charoenchai Co.,Ltd. is and international company manufacturing transformers, thransformer's parts and corrugated walls or radiators fins. it regroups about 50 transformer customers and more than 90 corrugated walls customers from many nationalities. Austrian, Egyptian, korean, Indian, South African and Vietamese.
Charoenchai is the first provider of the district of Bangkok. and the second one in Thailand (The first one is Ekarat) and it has an international renown mostly in south East Asia" Vietnam, Singapore. Malaysia and in the Oceania cotinent" Australia and New Zeeland.
First Inmpression and Welcome
The factory is located about 40 minutes away from the centre of Bangkok, depending of traffic, in the suburb called Bang Na, which is at the south of Bangkok and near the Chaopraya River (5 minutes). Here there is no huge mall neither big building but a lot of little markets, some universities and many factories/ The place where i lived was a 10 minute walk away dormitory, close from my office to the factory. It was comfortable, with a restaurant at the ground floor, a good security service, a swinning pool and a gym, and it was recommended by Charoenchai.
Regarding Thai people, they are really nice and thoughtful. In Bangkok, most of them can speak English or at least some words of it but where i was, most of them can only speak very limited words of Engiish. Even more at the office which led me to meet the person in charge of welcoming me when i arrived at the office. the secretary of the main manager who took care of making me discover the area, translating when needed and bringing me at the market to buy some food, some plate and other goods. I appreciated her company and help a lot and I thank her for that. I also started to learn Thai language but because of work my improvement has been respectable but low.
First day at the office was a presentation of the factory : how Charoenchai produces transformers. how they are tested (Charoenchai have its own laboratory that can make all of the needed tests). packed and sent,Then, I was introduced to my team, the people whom I will work with and i met the colleague who will be very helpful explaining me the work i have to do and translation the converstions when needed.
i met also my manager, a charming chinese lady from hong kong at the head of the international sales department who studied in australia her english is perfact and i could learn lalot from her thanks to her patinence and her explanations, moreover, i could discover some ways of doing managing team with her as well as trgular control and rigor most of the tiom we had discussions about finding solutions in order to improve the depertment which led to more woek form me