Please find attached the mock-up for our next poster. It is missing some important information, e.g. Dr Suwit's last name and title of his presentation and the names and universities of our plenary speakers (Thailand, Philippines and Korea). Please note that this is only a draft and can only be sent out once we get all the relevant information. Orn, you and I will work on this once we get all the information that is necessary.
Aj. Penchan, we have to follow-up quickly on our invitations for the plenary speakers to get their confirmation. I have 9 plenary speakers altogether as 3 will be from Korea, 3 from the Philippines and 3 from Thailand. Also, we need to follow-up on:
1. Checking availability of the room on the 4th floor of MU Learning Center for the Pre-Conference.
2. Availability of Aj. Wariya to give a speech at the Pre-conference.
3. Availability of Aj. Saowakorn to be our Keynote speaker at the Pre-conference.
Let's meet up on Thursday next week after Songkran to discuss these matters.