“Yes! You’re the best angel! The greatest to have descended to Earth! If we spoke in Japanese terms, I’d describe you as kakkoi! And you’re my Angel-chan too~!” Alternate Hyde grinned in his usually cheery voice, tenderly kissing Alternate Licht on the cheek. The original Licht went pale almost immediately.
“I feel sick…” The pianist muttered, unable to comprehend what was going on before him. Hyde, meanwhile,
“Yay! In the future, Angel Cakes loves meee!” He sang, “To think I always wondered, ‘To be or not to be’, but it shall be!” Greed continued to giggle obnoxiously. Before Licht could kick him, Mahiru grabbed the rest of the group and ducked into an alley.
“It’d be bad to be noticed.” He whispered, watching the Greed pair walk past.
“Shouldn’t we be worrying about how to get back…?” Kuro spoke out before Licht tried to kick Hyde again.
“Good point. It’s this shit rat’s fault we even ended up here.” Licht scowled, glaring at his Servamp with distaste. Hyde gasped dramatically and placed a hand on his chest as if the comment had physically wounded him,
“How dare you Lich-tan! An angel like you shouldn’t say such vulgar words!”
“Ah, this isn’t time for the blame game… Even if it’s both your fault.” Kuro commented, his eyes on the ground.
“No, it wasn’t!” Lawless and Licht immediately yelled at Kuro.
“Stop copying me!”
“I’m not copying you!”
“You’re the one copying me!” Licht and Hyde said in chorus, and Mahiru sighed, getting annoyed with their double act.
“It’s your fault anyway I look at it, Licht, Hyde! You destroyed Misono’s place, so they sent us to the future with that weird drink!” Mahiru cursed, his voice gradually getting louder. Just as a fight was about to break out, however, the colours in their surroundings suddenly disappeared. The vibrant HD image they had been seeing drained away like water, leaving them in a white space.
“Wha-?” Mahiru shouted when suddenly they found themselves- Back in their original places before they had drank from the cup?! A silence fell. Lily and Misono were smirking cruelly at the group, who were all very confused.
“What just happened!?” Hyde was the first to yell, though he didn’t seem very intimidating with his squeaky hedgehog voice.