Please be confirmed on the appointment for CitiDirect training on Tue 18th Mar 2014. Following is the agenda of the session for your reference kha:
9:30 – 10:00 CitiDirect Login process
Steps for Authorizers (English Session)
(Authorizers can also have a smartphone ready for testing access to CitiDirect on mobile version)
10:00 – 12:00 CitiDirect Login process
Steps on how to initiate payments (File Import)
Steps on how to generate report
Seeking for your kind support to please have a projector and a computer (with internet access and Java Runtime – Latest Version) ready for the session kha.
In addition please find the attached sample letter to inform vendors on the change of the check pickup location and the map of our Rama III counter.
• Vendors are able to contact our Paylink Call Center at: 02- 621 4141.
• Moccona is able to contact our counter at: 02-682 9969
Should you need further information/ support on these, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you.
Thanks and Best Regards,