6.17.2 Bracing of branch connections
Piping branch connections in services that give potential for piping vibration, shall be designed
with bracing. Unsupported branch connections with a mass concentration (e.g. vent/drain valves),
attached shall be braced against the parent pipe for the following services:
a) process rotary piping;
b) reciprocating pumps- and compressors piping;
c) piping subject to slugging or flow induced vibrations;
d) gas piping;
Velocities larger than V = 175 x (1/ρ) 0.43, where V is the velocity in m/s and ρ is the density at
operating condition in kg/m3, shall have special attention.
e) other services that typically can excite pipe vibration.
An alternative solution may be to reinforce the parent pipe in order to prevent fatigue failure due
to shell vibration in parent pipe.
Branches having only minor weights attached do no require bracing, provided the branch is short
enough to ensure adequate integral stiffness. Normally branches shall be provided with bracings in
two directions. Bracings shall preferably be made from L-profiles.
Bracing can be omitted if it can be