SUMMARY: Effective February 05, 2001, publicly traded companies are required to
disclose audit and nonaudit fees paid to their external auditors. These fee data have
been used to test whether auditor independence is impaired when the external auditor
provides nonaudit services to a client, usually by examining whether certain earnings
characteristics are related to nonaudit fees in ways that suggest impairment. This paper
follows in that tradition by testing whether the earnings response coefficient (ERC), a
proxy for earnings quality, is associated with engagement profitability. Residual fees
derived from a two-stage regression model that prices audit and nonaudit services
simultaneously are used to proxy for engagement profitability. If the market perceives
abnormally profitable engagements as a threat to auditor independence, then we would
expect the ERC to be lower for firms with positive fee residuals. The paper examines
the residual fee-ERC relation for annual earnings announcements immediately before
and after first-time fee disclosure. We report results for alternative measures of unexpected
earnings (I/B/E/S forecast errors and deviations from a seasonal random walk),
different formulations of residual fees (as a dichotomous and continuous variable) and
different samples. For total fees and audit fees, there is a positive association between
ERCs and the level of residual fees. For nonaudit fees, there is only one combination
of unexpected earnings and residual fee formulation where we observe a significantly
negative association between ERCs and residual fees. The findings for audit fees are
consistent with a market that interprets abnormally high audit fees as a signal of a
firm’s commitment to high earnings quality. The restrictive conditions under which we
find a negative association between nonaudit fees and ERCs provide limited support
for the contention that perceived auditor independence is impaired by abnormally high
nonaudit fees.
SUMMARY: Effective February 05, 2001, publicly traded companies are required todisclose audit and nonaudit fees paid to their external auditors. These fee data havebeen used to test whether auditor independence is impaired when the external auditorprovides nonaudit services to a client, usually by examining whether certain earningscharacteristics are related to nonaudit fees in ways that suggest impairment. This paperfollows in that tradition by testing whether the earnings response coefficient (ERC), aproxy for earnings quality, is associated with engagement profitability. Residual feesderived from a two-stage regression model that prices audit and nonaudit servicessimultaneously are used to proxy for engagement profitability. If the market perceivesabnormally profitable engagements as a threat to auditor independence, then we wouldexpect the ERC to be lower for firms with positive fee residuals. The paper examinesthe residual fee-ERC relation for annual earnings announcements immediately beforeand after first-time fee disclosure. We report results for alternative measures of unexpectedearnings (I/B/E/S forecast errors and deviations from a seasonal random walk),different formulations of residual fees (as a dichotomous and continuous variable) anddifferent samples. For total fees and audit fees, there is a positive association betweenERCs and the level of residual fees. For nonaudit fees, there is only one combinationรายได้ที่ไม่คาดคิดและกำหนดค่าธรรมเนียมส่วนที่เหลือที่เราสังเกตเห็นเป็นอย่างมากสัมพันธ์เชิงลบระหว่าง ERCs และค่าธรรมเนียมส่วนที่เหลือ มีผลการศึกษาสำหรับค่าธรรมเนียมการตรวจสอบสอดคล้องกับตลาดที่แปลค่าธรรมเนียมตรวจสอบสูงผิดปกติเป็นสัญญาณของ การบริษัทของมั่นกำไรสูง เงื่อนไขเข้มงวดซึ่งเราค้นหาความสัมพันธ์ติดลบระหว่างค่า nonaudit และ ERCs ให้การสนับสนุนที่จำกัดในการโต้เถียงที่ถือว่าผู้สอบบัญชี อิสระเป็นผู้พิการทางโดยสูงผิดปกติค่าธรรมเนียม nonaudit
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

สรุปSUMMARY: Effective February 05, 2001, publicly traded companies are required to
ซื้อขายหุ้นในตลาดหลักทรัพย์จะต้องเปิดเผยข้อมูลการตรวจสอบและค่าธรรมเนียมnonaudit ข้อมูลค่าเหล่านี้ได้ถูกนำมาใช้เพื่อทดสอบว่าเป็นอิสระของผู้สอบบัญชีบกพร่องเมื่อผู้สอบบัญชีให้บริการnonaudit ให้กับลูกค้ามักจะโดยการตรวจสอบไม่ว่าจะเป็นรายได้บางลักษณะที่เกี่ยวข้องกับค่าnonaudit disclose audit and nonaudit fees paid to their external auditors. These fee data have
been used to test whether auditor independence is impaired when the external auditor
provides nonaudit services to a client, usually by examining whether certain earnings
characteristics are related to nonaudit fees in ways that suggest impairment. This paper
follows in that tradition by testing whether the earnings response coefficient (ERC), a
proxy for earnings quality, is associated with engagement profitability. Residual fees
derived from a two-stage regression model that prices audit and nonaudit services
simultaneously are used to proxy for engagement profitability. If the market perceives
abnormally profitable engagements as a threat to auditor independence, then we would
expect the ERC to be lower for firms with positive fee residuals. The paper examines
the residual fee-ERC relation for annual earnings announcements immediately before
and after first-time fee disclosure. We report results for alternative measures of unexpected
earnings (I/B/E/S forecast errors and deviations from a seasonal random walk),
different formulations of residual fees (as a dichotomous and continuous variable) and
different samples. For total fees and audit fees, there is a positive association between
ERCs and the level of residual fees. For nonaudit fees, there is only one combination
of unexpected earnings and residual fee formulation where we observe a significantly
negative association between ERCs and residual fees. The findings for audit fees are
consistent with a market that interprets abnormally high audit fees as a signal of a
firm’s commitment to high earnings quality. The restrictive conditions under which we
find a negative association between nonaudit fees and ERCs provide limited support
for the contention that perceived auditor independence is impaired by abnormally high
nonaudit fees.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..