We are making you know this information with deep disappointment that still we could not able to clear the consignment you exported on early March,2015 due to some “ mistakes “ you did by not mentioning “ Country of Origin “ on following items :
Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste & White and Brown Sugar.
As I am informed , the Managing Director of Ascott Hotels ( Mr.Khoka ) repeatedly told you to mention the “ Country of Origin “ on the bodies of each products ( when he was in Thailand ) ; but don’t know why you had not listen to his instructions and did not do that. This was not really expected from your company .
Due to this, Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute ( BSTI ) stopped delivery of the goods. Thus clearance of imported goods got delayed unnecessarily till unexpected period. As a result we are to incur heavy “ Demurrage “ fee from the port authority as an extra cost .
All of these made us so disappointed and we have no one to blame .
Please see if you have some or any explanation on this that why don’t you mention “ Country of Origin “ on the bodies of products like Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste & White and Brown Sugar ??