1) Zoos are cruel places.
2) The government should provide shelters for homeless people.
3) Fast food restaurants should be abolished.
4) There is too much violence on TV.
Foreign travel is a great learning experience.
7) Living in a big city is unpleasant.
8) Credit cards are very useful.
9) Living in a small town is unpleasant.
10)Private education is wrong.
A: The air is dirty and there is too much noise.
B: You can buy things anytime, anywhere.
C: Animals shouldn't be kept in cages.
D: It has a bad effect on young people.
E: They are bad for the country's health.
F: It is wrong to ignore them.
G: There is nothing to do and there is no privacy.
H: It would help to improve international relations.
I:The government should provide free education for everyone.
J: It helps you to see your own country and culture more clearly.