2. Clear Positioning and Messaging
Positioning is the set of things you do to place your product clearly in the minds of your buyers. If your positioning is not clear, your buyers will be confused and your potential partners will be confused.
A confused buyer does not buy.
Effective positioning is a communication process that makes the benefits and capabilities of your product so crystal clear to your buyers (and partners) that they get it without tremendous effort on your part. They see, they understand, they buy.
It’s developed from a clear understanding of market needs and how your product’s capabilities match those needs, rather than features. It also forms the foundation for all communication to your target market.
Messaging is the language you develop to communicate the value of your product. It includes message pillars – the simple phrases that reinforce the value your product delivers to your customers.
- See more at: http://pragmaticmarketing.com//resources/6-secrets-of-a-winning-product-launch?p=2#sthash.BiAkRWd3.dpuf