2.38: He stood at a distance, in no hurry to approach her. Today, he was wearing casual clothing, a simple shirt and pants, yet he could still look rather distinguished. In the past, she had often looked infatuated at him and couldn’t help but asked: “Yi Chen, why do you look good in whatever you wear ah?” In reply, Yi Chen would give her an unhappy glare.
The past! The past again! Zhao Mo Sheng, have some pride! You should not think of it anymore!
Yi Chen stubbed out his cigarette and walked toward her.
“Can you accompany me for a walk?”
“…… Okay.”
They walked in silence for a while, yet Yi Chen still had no intention to say anything. Thus, Mo Sheng could not help but asked: “Where are we going?”
“We have arrived.”
The bus stop? They are going to take the bus ah?
“Do you have coins?”
“Yes, I do.” Mo Sheng dug out a few coins from her purse and spread them out in her hand.
“Give me one.” Yi Chen took a coin from her hand, his fingers unintentionally touched her palm.