Inorganic arsenic (Asi) is a chronic, non-threshold carcinogen. Rice and rice-based products can be the
major source of Asi for many subpopulations. Baby rice, rice cereals and rice crackers are widely used
to feed infants and young children. The Asi concentration in rice-based products may pose a health risk
for infants and young children. Asi concentration was determined in rice-based products produced in the
European Union and risk assessment associated with the consumption of these products by infants and
young children, and compared to an identical US FDA survey. There are currently no European Union or
United States of America regulations applicable to Asi in food. However, this study suggests that the samples
evaluated may introduce significant concentration of Asi into infants’ and young children’s diets.
Thus, there is an urgent need for regulatory limits on Asi in food, especially for baby rice-based products.
2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license